
Destination Overview

Popular: Highest concentration Africa’s wild dogs; The big five.    

Size: 30,893 km²

Climate: Shortest rains between November and December  

Accessibility: By road and Air.

Activities: Walking Safaris, Game viewing, Filming and Photographic tourism, bird watching and boat rides.

It is the largest National Park in Africa and hosting one of the world’s largest concentrations of wildlife. This Park is a must visit destination for Eastern circuit tours. It has the largest concentration of big cats such as Lions, Leopards and Cheetah; along with rare antelopes’ species such as Sable, Roan Antelope, Lichtenstein hartebeest and kudu as well as large animals like Elephants, Rhinos, Buffaloes, Giraffes, Elands, Zebra and Wildebeest.

The Rufiji River is the largest in East Africa and the home for hippos and crocodiles. The river has created number of beautiful scenic features for photographic safaris such as oxbow lakes and deltas.

The Park is also a home of the largest concentration of endangered African wild dogs.